Author: admin

  • Affordable and Effective White Label Email Marketing

    According to data compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70 percent of businesses last for at least two years; and about a third will survive at least ten years. However, just because a business “survives” does not mean that it is successful. In fact, a study conducted by the Harvard Business School found…

  • Five Important Facts for Email Marketers

    As of 2012, web users sent almost 145 billion emails every day and according to an earlier report, workers spend more than a quarter of their time looking at items in their inbox, even though they only deem about 14 percent of their emails important. Since it was originally developed in 1971, email technology has…

  • Some Stats on Email Marketing Tools

    Web based email marketing tools can be powerful methods to engage your customer base. While efforts to gain brand new customers can and should be an important part of your marketing strategy, keeping your current customer list happy can insure continued growth in the years ahead. And email marketing tools can help keep that base…